Yē (whosoever) Mē (my) Matam (opinion, suggestion) Idaṅ (this) Nityam (regularly) Anutiṣhthanti (practice, follow) Mānavāha (people)
Śhraddhāvantah (with full faith) Ansūyantah (without doubts, suspicions) Muchyantē (are freed) Tē (they) Api (also) Karmabhihi (from actions)
This is a wonderful trick presented by Lord Krishna. This is the real mantra of follwoing the tested-ok principle of attaining peace within and excellence in actions. (appears in Chapter 3 Verse 31 of Śri Bhagwadgītā).
Do these statements appear familiar? This is how confusion emerges!
At times we forget these competencies. It ither decelerates our journey or at times brings it to a halt.
Personal counselling is all about creating conducive environment to lead to sorted thought process eliminating the confusion.
It is all about generating the conviction within.
9 minutes Audio: As the individual approaches, after initial brief discussion, I request the person to send the audio recording to me expressing whatever connected to the confusion, dilemma, situation that the person is going through.
My self-work on the audio: I listen to the audio very carefully for at least 3 to 4 times. I develop my questions and interactions avenues.
Three patterns:
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